I am an astronomer, I got my PhD in Space and Science Technology from University of Padua in 2005, and in 2012 got a MSc in Biostatistics.
For 7 years, I worked at the Universidad de Atacama, in CopiapĆ³, Chile While I was there, I started work as a professor, and then was promoted to head of astronomy group and worked on the creation of a research institute in astronomy and of a PhD school with the help of Pascual Garrido, Sergio Flores Tullian, Valery Kratsov, Lauri Haikala and Rafael Figueroa.
After being the director of the Institute and the PhD school, I worked as international relations officer.
Previously, I was a Postdoc in various institutions: Laboratoire d'astrophysique de Marseille, Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur (Nice), Observatorio Nacional (Rio de Janeiro), Observatory of Capodimonte (Naples), Observatory of Padua, University of Padua.
I published 86 referred articles, and was awarded of the Tacchini Prize in 2005 from the Italian Astronomical Society